
Thursday, April 4, 2024 4:53 PM

In a culture that values health and beauty the process of aging can seem like it runs counter to the false gospels of smooth skin, toned muscles, and young-looking faces. At least, the cultural media-evangelists of the latest exercise equipment and nutritional/skin-care supplements would have you believe it is a sin to show any sign of getting older on the external facade of your soul.

Now, don't get me wrong. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, and taking care of your physical self, in general, are, indeed, positive practices. Healthy living can faithfully enhance your ability to fulfill life's calling.

But getting older is not a curse! Nor is it a sin. Physical frailty is not necessarily a sign that you've done anything wrong. Death is no failure of human virtue.

Perhaps, it is time to stand up to the false gods that extol physicality over Spirit. It is time to celebrate the gifts of wisdom, insight, and more that only come with years of experience. It is time to claim death as a part of our living, perhaps even a portion of divine grace for us. The concern, then, is not whether we die, but how we choose to move, faithfully, toward that eventual part of our living.

As you age, how might a more-intentional lifestyle open up transformational possiblity for your spiritual journey, personally, relationally, and publicly?  When you retire, how might the bounty of your older age be used as a spiritual gift to others who need mentors, guides, and sages?

How might your own frailty, infirmity, and/or physical limitation become fertile ground in which to develop compassion for others?

The inescapable act of getting older, may just be the kind of blessing we need as we, each, move toward the vale that separates this world from the fullest mystery of divine love for us, each and everyone.