canvas labyrinth for under $200
chartres-style labyrinth (28' & 36' diameter)
drawing a labyrinth path (ariadne's thread)
drawing precise 7-circuit labyrinth
5-circuit Eagles Crest labyrinth (16' & 18' diameter)
7-circuit Petite labyrinth (20' & 28' diameter options)
7-circuit labyrinth (alt. size calculation worksheet)
knit/wool finger labyrinth pattern
lunation measurement marker (28' labs)
lunation measurement marker (36' labs)
masking tape labyrinth build example
The labyrinth construction guides listed on this page were initially designed for use in creating masking tape labyrinths. However, with a little modification of instructions as you go along, these guides also work well when constructing mowed turf, chalk or painted line, canned food, and other kinds of labyrinths.
The lunation marker templates will help in the placement of single line ray-style lunations around the outside of a Chartres-style tape labyrinth.
The tape dispenser instructions will help you create a tool for laying down masking tape lines while standing up. Use 2” wide masking tape, and follow a mark on your pivot line with the dispenser for quick work of the pathway lines.
An example of a 40' diameter Turf Labyrinth in the Classical-style design.