Photos for your use

. . . use a photo of mine. For non-profit work, labyrinth facilitators, environmental activists, spiritual leaders, and others just interested in something my photography prayer life has noticed -- I will usually say “yes, sure” if the intent of their interest is to somehow “open the table of inclusion to all,” make room for the holy in their work, care for the more-than-human work, help others along their spiritual paths of grace, seek to heal the divisions within the human community, or generally help others find empowerment for their life and work in this world.  

Please, if you'd like to use any of my photos, I only ask that you:

     1. make formal request to use photo, stating which photo(s), the purpose for use,

         and whether use is for photo as is or a derivative to:;

     2. and when using any photo, give credit, in writing, as:

© Photo by Warren Lynn, used with permission, all rights reserved.

Do not use my photos as a direct means for commercial and/or financial gain.

Do not sell my photos.

Do not use my photos in a way that condemns or judges others, reflects negatively on me, or suggests that any creature (human or more-than-human) is not fully and mutually included in an intentional inclusive community of all beings.

If you are looking for a particular resolution of a photo I have on Flickr, please follow the instructions below:

     1.      Click on a link above, and your browser will open to a particular set or collection of photos.

     2.      On that browser window of photos, click on the icon or name of set that interests you.

     3.      If, the next window is a set of photos, click on a particular photo icon.

     4.      Once you are on the default photo page of one particular photo, click on the download icon

          below the right corner of the photo that looks like  

          an arrow facing down above a horizontal line;  

          in the download menu, choose the option “View All Sizes.

     5.      In the next window, click on the size option of your choice above the photo.

     6.      When a window with that size photo comes up, click on the download option above the photo

          that reads, Download the _______ size of this photo, or drag the photo from the browser

          window to your desktop.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at:

Occasionally, someone will ask if they can ...